Features, reviews and essays I most enjoyed working on  ⤵ 


Financial Times: Paula Rego’s dazzling and radical visions

How the artist’s religiously inspired works hand power to women. 

Read the full article here.


British Journal of Photography: Solitary figures amid desolate landscapes in Nadav Kander’s latest series

In Solitude – Quietude – Contemplation Kander revisits miniature figures from his childhood in a meditation on the state of the world.

Read the full article here.


Magnum Photos: Photographer René Burri’s Colour Works

How Rene Burri's works reflect the power of colour palettes  to evoke different emotions.

Thomson Reuters: 'Big Witches' survive eviction to become trans music stars

Brazilian Áquila Correia founded Casa T in Lisbon, Portugal, to house trans migrants after getting evicted when the COVID-19 pandemic hit


The Globe Post: Want to know how Portugal won its War on Drugs? It ended it

Portugal decriminalised drugs in 2001, meaning that anyone caught with less than 10 days worth of drugs is not sent to court but to a CDT, a Commission for the Dissuasion of Drug Addiction, of which there are 18 centres across mainland Portugal.

The Globe Post: “Microdoses” of Psychedelic Drugs Could Cure Depression

Hallucinogens, onetime party drugs, could in future become the answer for more people like Ms. Waldman suffering unnecessarily from depression, which affects 16 million Americans and 350 million people worldwide.


British Journal of Photography: Tavakolian channels effects of Premenstrual Syndrome

For The Sake of Calmness takes Newsha Tavakolian’s experience of Premenstrual Syndrome as its starting point, developing into an abstract and experimental response to the syndrome that should resonate with every viewer.

British Journal of Photography: Any Answers: Mexican photographer Graciela Iturbide 

“Surprise always operates within me. So let us hope that something comes along to surprise me soon”


The New Humanitarian: ‘It is Scary to See How the World Can Change in One Night’

Trump’s ban on the citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S. threw lives into chaos.

Portugal Turns to Prevention to Take on Its Domestic Violence Problem

After a history of handing out lenient sentences to domestic abusers, the Portuguese government is focusing on prevention and education in a bid to turn things around.

Interested in reading more? Explore more samples of my writing.

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